Native languages

I really like Rabbit R1 as a personal voice AI assistant, but I would very much like it to speak Russian. I know it can do this and it does so perfectly if I directly ask it with the phrase “speak in Russian”. Then it speaks Russian wonderfully and without mistakes. I know English, but here in Russia, I prefer to speak in my native language. Why not add support for all languages simultaneously? ChatGPT and Claude 3.5 easily understand any language. Without my native language, the device just sits beautifully in its box.


Patience Patience… heureusement quon a un peu d’anglais…

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German pls


it is sOOo annoying - this massive americano-centrism, change this american attitude rabbit :*(


Even if I’m pretty good in English, it is annoying to ask anything in public. Also, the fact that it doesn’t understand French town or shopping makes it difficult to use.
An other exemple is the meeting recording in French: it doesn’t record the audio unless you start to speak in English at the beginning to trigger the recording… pretty funny trick though…
I’am patient but my family and friends are not convinced by the rabbit due to those facts.


Italy here.

Other than English, native user languages must be implemented as soon as possible. Since it’s not implemented, user experience outside native English-speaking countries is so frustrating.

Since Perplexity, ChatGPT, and other AI natively support non-English languages, I think it will be quite easy to implement.

This is, in my opinion, a priority.


The same problem eith Spanish
I’am frustrating


I really love the product despite the fact that it is still in an early version. However, having our native language available to use it efficiently would be really appreciated if it arrives very soon. [quote=“Thibgo, post:4, topic:916, full:true”]
Same thing, I’m French, talk with rabbit, is not so fun without all language support,
If you sold your device internationally :man_shrugging:t2:
what the ?

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Spero che l’implementazione del supporto multilingue possa arrivare quanto prima. Oltre tutto renderebbe appetibile il device ad una platea di utenti molto più vasta. Se gli ingegneri di rabbit non si sbrigano rischiano di farsi un clamoroso autogol.
P.S. Scrivo in italiano perché questa è la mia lingua madre!


Language is the basis, so it should be a high priority that r1 speaks as many languages ​​as possible.

Of course, only if there is nothing with a higher priority that should be done first.

That leads me to several questions:

  1. Is there a list or plan that is visible to users like me regarding such topics?

  2. Can I somehow help to ensure that such a list or plan (even if this list or plan is perhaps secret) can be done better and faster?

  3. How could I best help the developers (who I have great respect for) who are developing Rabbit (r1) so that r1 (Rabbit) can quickly become much better?

I know that there is so much potential in this idea that has become reality with Rabbit (r1), so I see it as my ethical, moral and responsible duty to ensure that Rabbit (r1) becomes something really great as soon as possible, that can accompany the people who can use it in a good way into a good future for everyone.


German would be great!
Its not that I cant speak english but to change the modus while you do something in native language is really not the best way to keep it productive.
Waiting for language updates, I think it will come sooner than later.


Polish! :poland: same issue!


Condivido la necessità prioritaria che il rabbit parli più lingue possibile, considerato che è il principale mezzo di comunicazione con l’IA.


Locales can be quite a hassle if not implemented perfectly. It would be awesome if the system could automatically recognize the input language and respond accordingly. For instance, if I prompt a message in English, it should respond in English; if the prompt is in Spanish, it should respond in Spanish.

Additionally, it would be great to see the terminal mode include keyboard layout options and menu translations. Having a language selection option in the menu would allow users to easily switch languages as needed.

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nice to meet you. This is my first time speaking.

I am Japanese. I agree with everyone. I would like to communicate with r1 in my native language.

R1 has an excellent simultaneous translation function, so it shouldn’t be technically difficult to input commands in multiple languages.

I’m sure there are various other updates planned, but if we’re going to roll out R1 globally, I think multilingual voice input support is the top priority.

I don’t mind if it moves a little strangely.

Now that I think about it, since the update a few days ago, the Japanese pronunciation spoken by r1 has become much more accurate, and I was impressed. thank you.


It would be useful to have an idea of ​​the timing from @rabbit and @jesse for multilingual support (nothing specific: 3Q, 4Q, 1H25…) as already done for other functions such as webhooks


I got my rabbit r1 last week and was disappointed that the rabbit still doesn’t support any languages besides English. As others said already – asking about specific German subjects is impossible because rabbit doesn’t understand the language and will misspell words. Which means: no answer to the question.


Hi carrots!! Any idea when other languages ​​will arrive on our R1? spanish, french, italian?? Approximate dates?


When will it arrive the Spanish language? It is the second language in the world…

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From Spain
Yes, it’s cool to use rabbit to practice English… but every time I talk to someone about the r1, when the moment “it only works in English” comes to the conversation, the response is always “ok, then it’s useless”.

Anyway, if we have to manage the priorities, I’d say that understanding memos in other languages should be the first thing. It’s easy to say “Record a memo” but in a meeting, all the people is going to be talking in Spanish… so… useless again.