LAM playground is here! 🛝

hey @everyone!

this is not a drill - LAM playground is here :playground_slide:

if you own an r1, you will receive an OTA update right now, and after it installs you’ll have access to LAM playground on r1 and rabbithole :fire:
make sure your r1 is on and connected to stable internet when you try the LAM playground :raised_hands:

we know you have all sorts of questions about it, and we have the answers, but in the spirit of keeping this announcement short and to the point - everything you need to know can be found on our brand new landing page for it, which you can find right here

we’re looking forward to seeing you in the playground…… so hop around and find out :rabbit:

(p.s you should also watch our launch video below - we had a lot of fun making it!)

(pps - new website? :fire: )


Let’s gooooo!!! :otarabbit:



Oof, the playground doesn’t start any sessions yet. But I’m excited to see what it can do!

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Fantastic Job team, and all the alpha testers!

This is truly a historic moment! I can’t wait for the world to see what you’ve built!


I am so hyped, I updated my rabbit with a hotspot in my car.

Good and fantastic job to you @simon and the rabbit team. :rabbit2::+1:

Happy test for all.


all things rabbit

By the way, the video is super cool!

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Oh My God Wow GIF


I’ve already made it comment an article on my own website to have a test! It’s wonderful guys!


Unfortunately, things don’t seem to be going quite right yet… :confused:


BUT NOW! :smiley:

Wow, this is very nice!


I just thought this too!

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Guys, I made it go to the Amazon website and the infamous captcha had to be entered to continue… Guess what? R1 filled it in successfully and continued like nothing happened.

I am impressed!


Absolutely Awesome!!!


I have made the same experiences with captcha. Very cool.
And if it not works, we can pause the interaction, do a prompt like

Enter the captcha Abcde123

and everything will go on.
Very cool.:pray:


Hi @Simon,
Hi rabbit-team and comunity,

in my tests I have discovered, that you can use the
LAM playground (web)
with your native language (e.g. german, etc.), which is really cool.

With my german prompt:

“Gehe auf die Seite und suche nach einem schwarzen Patchkabel mit der Länge von 2m. Lege das am besten bewerteste Produkt in meinen Einkaufswagen.”

in english:

“Go to and look for a black patch cable with a length of 2m. Put the best-rated product in my shopping cart.”

I got the correct result.

This method with using the native language is possible with the web-version. With the r1-version, you have to speak english. :slight_smile:

So far it is really really fascinating and cool to use the LAM. Thank you for this great feature and idea.


Great deal! I’ll try it out in Italian!
I found that yesterday evening it worked well, just to slow, but this morning for an unknown reason is no longer working.
@Simon, I used my PC connected to WiFi and the R1 connected to Cellular data, maybe for that reason the thing doesn’t work?

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Hey @everyone! I am wondering how to make LAM Playground to store my login information. I logged in by writing down the credentials to the Rabbit Hole LAm Playground Prompt, together with my instructions, but when I switched to the R1 and asked by voice to do an other task in the same website, in that case Google Gmail, it completely forgot my credentials. Do I need to pause the task and login manually into the website using the VM on the wright side of the screen or it manages credentials in other ways? I am not willing to dictate e-mail and password outloud when I’ll begin using LAM Playground on a daily base with my R1…


Rabbit haluciates that it is unable to do certain tasks. Big UX problem here…

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I’ve created prompts that sign me into work and sign me out. I don’t have login to a website anymore or go to the front of site to swipe my card … Sweet job team Rabbit !