Thoughts on WWDC 2024?

Apple showed off some cool stuff that people have been wanting for years. Finally catching up to Android a bit. What are your thoughts? What was your favorite announcement?


Honestly, Iā€™m not an Apple fan at all, but good for them. A lot of that was long time coming, and I know plenty of people deep into the ecosystem that wanted a lot of that stuff.

I do low key think itā€™s funny there was such a big deal of commonplace Android features, but at the end of the day, itā€™s good to see :sweat_smile:

I think as far as the AI stuff was concerned, I didnā€™t see anything omg groundbreaking, just them catching up - which is good. I think more competition, and more huge companies getting more involved with AI, better in general.

Iā€™ve seen a lot of ā€˜Apple killed Rabbitā€™ comments, and do disagree to an extent - r1, IMO, was always going to be a niche AI device to get people away from phones. I mean, I already have chatgpt integration in my earbuds, but still often reach for my r1, just because something can do something that doesnā€™t mean itā€™s the form factor I want to always use it on. I think thatā€™s been a hard part of it for many to understand when looking at the r1 vs a phone.

Plus, getting AI more involved with the everyday joe will help with the kneejerk reaction I think a lot of people have just hearing ā€˜AIā€™. To many apple users, itā€™s bad unless Apple does it, then itā€™s ok and probably a good thing.

On the other side, I hope this really does light a (bigger) fire with rabbit. I think the constant updates have been great, but itā€™s easy to see there needs to be some serious progress with key features. I think the magic cam is a great and fun little addition, but barebones features like reminders are still absent. Makes it hard to be a real ā€˜stickyā€™ device for folks when the stuff we use constantly still arenā€™t there, not to mention everything else is, or will be, using gpt4o, and weā€™re not still.

All in all, much needed stuff for Apple, but weā€™ll need to really wait and see how it ā€˜reallyā€™ pans out once al of that new stuff is in peopleā€™s hands, and see how rabbit keeps moving forward in answer.


Couldnā€™t agree more. Perfectly said


Iā€™m still catching up on the salient points, but I seem to be getting less and less interested in both WWDC and IO every year. I used to take time out of my day to watch them, but I find myself struggling to bother for the last few years and just reading the summary blogs when I get a moment.

I think this is key, and I agree 100%.


According to the interview MKBHD did with Tim Cook, Apple sees people spending less time on their devices as AI gets more advanced.

A little different than getting rid of phones completely, but thought Iā€™d share that.

Once teach mode is out and we see support for calls/texts added, I would be more than happy to get rid of my main phone.


Yeah, I just keep seeing the disconnect, and Iā€™m just not getting why people are SO determined to compare it to things that itā€™s not really aiming to be compared to?

Sure, phones can do a lot more at the moment, but half of the point was to have something with fewer distractions and still have those functions. Thereā€™s obviously a market for things like that, look at the light phone, or the reMarkable tablet - thereā€™s a demand for removing those distractions, but still having your functionality, but people are so intent on hating theyā€™re not really thinking about the intended demographic. Not everything is for everyone, and thatā€™s ok.


There is an idiom in russian - ā€œto pee against the windā€. Arenā€™t you guys doing that now by denying the fact that rabbit got serious problems with apple AI updates?


Personally, I donā€™t think so. The things being worked on within Rabbit will provide more capabilities compared to Apple Intelligence. Could that change in the future? Certainly. Until then, Iā€™m going to continue to enjoy the R1 and be a part of the wonderful community surrounding Rabbit.

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Thereā€™s no more problems than rabbit already had, honestly. Just somehow people think itā€™s suddenly different now that Apple is doing something, which was inevitable.

I mean heck, did anyone see what Nothing has been working on for their Nothing (3) next year? They see a homescreen with no apps, just an AI companion and a place for the AI to populate recommended content. Thatā€™s awesome, and I think an even better idea for ā€˜seamlessā€™ integration with AI on a phone. Apple, if anything, just sands up the edges of what others are already doing, polishes it, and everyone thinks itā€™s groundbreaking. Didnā€™t really change anything.

It has to be seen the barrier of entry too, with Appleā€™s AI - youā€™re talking about locking it behind an ecosystem that not everyone wants, and a huge price barrier being only on the latest phone. Rabbit is open to anyone, with a $200 price tag. Absolutely a different market. Rabbit always intended for more of a niche consumer base, with an aim for less phone time, and thatā€™s fine.

There are a lot of ā€˜ifsā€™ā€™ though, obviously. Rabbit has a TON of work to do, and IMO if there arenā€™t serious strides soon, itā€™s going to be even harder. Not only that, itā€™s still buggy in so many ways. But we also have no idea if Apple AI will actually work well, weā€™re basing this off a presentation.

At the end of the day, Android, Apple, and everyone else were already making these strides. If anything, it adds more competition, which is always a good thing. The only real issue I see is if rabbit can actually deliver on some of their bigger points sooner than later. Itā€™s absolutely been a beast of a rough start, and while itā€™s easy to see effort with constant updates, they need bigger strides.


Steve cook