The holy 7 (8) commandments for Rabbit (r1)

Thank you for your opinion, but this topic is not about me or you, and it is not about whether it is comfortable or not.

First of all, it is about the fact that this device was advertised in a certain way and there is a certain idea behind it, which was also one of the reasons why many people ordered this device in the first place.

It is also not true that you cannot operate the scroll wheel and the button at the same time, it is very easy if you press the PTT button with your index finger and scroll the scroll wheel with your thumb.

It is actually very comfortable and besides, it is not about normal operation, but when you cannot do anything else with the device except restart it or switch it off, namely when it has got stuck.

No, this is not about small things, this is about something fundamental, where Rabbit unfortunately took a wrong turn at an important intersection.

This definitely needs to be corrected.

Furthermore, and this is by far the most important thing, it is important that disabled people cannot be excluded from using the service.

In some countries this is even the law and that is absolutely right.

From a very selfish point of view, it is understandable that not many healthy people are interested in this topic, but that is just very selfish and it only shows one thing, namely that nothing is more important to these people than their own needs.

It would actually be much more important, if not the top priority, to deal with this topic than, for example, with their “nice to have” alarm functions or reminders and so on.

These are all nice things, but should be secondary in comparison.

I think that if people cannot understand other people who cannot help themselves, such as disabled people or people who are simply physically handicapped, then one should also under no circumstances have any understanding for these people and their needs.

On the contrary, one can only wish from the bottom of one’s heart that such people will find themselves in such a situation and that they will then be systematically excluded and abandoned by the other egoists around them.

But that’s going too far now, the point here is simply that, for the many important reasons mentioned above, things simply cannot and must not stay like this as far as the operation of r1 is concerned, that simply has to be corrected.

@Jesse has already commented on this (see the topic linked above) and more information will follow soon, so we can only wait and see.

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