The holy 7 (8) commandments for Rabbit (r1)

In suggestion and very good idea to my, in my opinion, very justified concerns, which I have shared with everyone here in the following post:

I would like to take up many good ideas from the community in this post and combine them with the background of the above post in this post so that r1 becomes the hottest AI assistant this planet has ever seen.

Furthermore, it is very important to me personally not to damage @jesse’s basic idea and the foundations of this idea, but rather to firmly establish them with this suggestion and in this way to relieve many, many people who have purchased r1, but also the developers and @rabbit as a whole, of many problems at once, even to open up new possibilities without running the risk that r1 could ever become a comparable device to a smartphone or something like that.

With this suggestion, R1 would retain all of its unique selling points and would also really become the most intuitively usable computer:

To be honest, this suggestion is not even my suggestion, and I don’t want to boast about it.

It is a suggestion that has been made many times here by many people.

It is a very simple suggestion, but it would overcome many of the barriers that Rabbit has set for itself and would ensure that Jesse’s idea of ​​creating the most intuitively usable computer or AI assistant would finally come true.

For this reason, ladies and gentlemen, I propose a guideline for the usability of r1:

  1. The usability of r1 must always be based on the principle of the dumbest user imaginable.

  2. Having to press the PTT button more than three times should not be allowed for any application example.

  3. All application examples should always be able to be started, operated and ended in the same way without exception (ideally always with a “back” button).

  4. All users should be given the freedom to either use the touchscreen to scroll through content and/or to tap buttons such as “Back” or, of course, to use the scroll wheel for this.

  5. Basic functions in terms of usability should always be individually adjustable, ideally by voice, so that it should be possible to simply say “turn off scroll wheel”, or “activate touchscreen” or “activate Rabbit Eye” or whatever settings may be added in the future.

  6. Restarting or turning off the device should again be possible by long pressing the PTT button, but in such a way that this long press does not restart or turn off our r1 when it is working normally (there are also possible solutions here). For example, to restart, you could hold down the PTT button and turn the scroll wheel up (3 turns) and to shut down, hold down the PTT button and turn the scroll wheel down (3 turns). Of course, this should only work if the scroll wheel is also activated for this case. If not, then you should simply swipe in the appropriate direction on the touchscreen (3 times + PTT button). This idea, if it should be considered at all, should not conflict with the volume control, so the method for navigating up or down which is not activated would have to be used and if both are activated, then the long pressing the PTT button (or pressing the PTT button eight times, but only in this one and only case) would probably be the last resort, or you simply cannot use the scroll wheel and the touch screen at the same time. That would probably be the simplest solution, since it’s very unlikely that you would scroll with the scroll wheel and swipe the touchscreen three times in the same direction while holding down the PTT button. This is probably the best thing to do, because it could otherwise lead to confusion if the methods for restarting were too different or changed too much. Three methods would be way too many in this case, two methods are actually too many too, but it probably can’t be done any other way. It is also conceivable that the restart only works if you have to hold r1 with the scroll wheel pointing up and then press the PTT button and turn the scroll wheel at the same time…

like here:

  1. It must always be ensured that either the scroll wheel or the touch screen (or both) are activated.

  2. The usability for people with disabilities should be defined and adhered to as a fundamental right for the usability of r1, otherwise I hope that all of you who do not agree with this will be completely disabled and then we will see how you can find your way in the world you live in if no one wants to take you into consideration.

I really hope that not only those responsible at Rabbit but everyone will take my words to heart and make the right thing for all of us.

Thanks for reading!


I’m very interested in your comments on this.

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I also considered pressing hard on the screen with my finger to turn it off, but it doesn’t have a pressure sensor.
Or three fingers slide down the screen at the same time to turn off the device.
Or three fingers on the screen for a long time to trigger the shutdown option.

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Well, if you press hard enough it will definitely turn off but it will probably never turn on again! :rofl:

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That would be possible, in a case like that it doesn’t have to be 100% intuitive, but intuitive enough that someone can figure it out on their own.

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In the best case, this is something that should not happen at all (errors …).

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After these finger operations and then pop out the shutdown selection and press the ptt key to determine.

I think the r1 should add screenshots.

I agree with most of the suggestions, but I’m open to other alternatives and I like how it works right now too. One of the suggestions that is a strong “no” for me is pressing the PTT button and turning the scroll wheel. Any operation that involves doing both things at the same time will be hated by me. It’s not comfortable at all, the design of the device doesn’t allow you to do that unless you use both hands or put your fingers in an awkward position.

I would leave turning off the device by pressing PTT 8 times, and I’d add an option to just tell the r1 with voice “turn off” as well as a touch option, so the user can use whichever they want.

Also, note this is really not an important feature. I think I turned my r1 off two times and it was just for restarting it.


Thank you for your opinion, but this topic is not about me or you, and it is not about whether it is comfortable or not.

First of all, it is about the fact that this device was advertised in a certain way and there is a certain idea behind it, which was also one of the reasons why many people ordered this device in the first place.

It is also not true that you cannot operate the scroll wheel and the button at the same time, it is very easy if you press the PTT button with your index finger and scroll the scroll wheel with your thumb.

It is actually very comfortable and besides, it is not about normal operation, but when you cannot do anything else with the device except restart it or switch it off, namely when it has got stuck.

No, this is not about small things, this is about something fundamental, where Rabbit unfortunately took a wrong turn at an important intersection.

This definitely needs to be corrected.

Furthermore, and this is by far the most important thing, it is important that disabled people cannot be excluded from using the service.

In some countries this is even the law and that is absolutely right.

From a very selfish point of view, it is understandable that not many healthy people are interested in this topic, but that is just very selfish and it only shows one thing, namely that nothing is more important to these people than their own needs.

It would actually be much more important, if not the top priority, to deal with this topic than, for example, with their “nice to have” alarm functions or reminders and so on.

These are all nice things, but should be secondary in comparison.

I think that if people cannot understand other people who cannot help themselves, such as disabled people or people who are simply physically handicapped, then one should also under no circumstances have any understanding for these people and their needs.

On the contrary, one can only wish from the bottom of one’s heart that such people will find themselves in such a situation and that they will then be systematically excluded and abandoned by the other egoists around them.

But that’s going too far now, the point here is simply that, for the many important reasons mentioned above, things simply cannot and must not stay like this as far as the operation of r1 is concerned, that simply has to be corrected.

@Jesse has already commented on this (see the topic linked above) and more information will follow soon, so we can only wait and see.

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What has been created here with this topic is a great gift for everyone and I just hope that those responsible at @rabbit have the necessary foresight and insight to accept it.

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Please read my message again. I didn’t say it’s not important. But replacing pressing PTT 8 times by pressing PTT AND scrolling the wheel has nothing to do with disabled people. In fact, it is harder to do that than to just press one button multiple times or just once and ask with your voice (and of course, as some other user mentioned in a different thread, if Rabbit adds a feature to have voice mode always active without pressing the button, that’s even easier for disabled people who can’t press the button).

As I mentioned in my message, adding more ways to do the same thing, like using the touchscreen or just asking the r1 to do something, is a better alternative. Then the user can use whichever option they want or need.

I know you are constantly mentioning that you don’t want this thing of “pressing PTT X times for Y”, but replacing it doesn’t make sense to me. You can just add more alternatives without removing the options we have now. It doesn’t have to be one way OR the other, it can be this way and also this other way. I’d always prefer a million times more to press PTT 8 times to power off or just tell my r1 to turn off rather than pressing PTT and scrolling. Using two hands or even two fingers will always be more complicated than just pressing one button and, in fact, this applies to points 0, 4, and 7 on your first message

And I insist: pressing PTT and scrolling the wheel at the same time is not comfortable, you have to put your fingers in an awkward position or use both hands. It’s not intuitive either, and it’s not suitable for disabled people. I mean, if pressing PTT 8 times is not possible for someone, how would pressing it once but having to scroll the wheel at the same time be better?


I think I’ve understood that correctly, but what do you think can happen more quickly by accident?

That you press the button on r1 eight times and accidentally turn the device off or restart it or do reboot or shutdown the device via this better way?


That works really easily with one hand and is not one of the normal application examples.

By the way, it’s not just me who’s had to accidentally switch off the device, or other operating problems that are related to this Morse code programming.

It happens to quite a few users, believe me.

But there are really good solutions for it.

Also, restarting a device in an emergency, by the way, should be not intuitive or should not happen accidentally, hence my suggestion as described here in the topic.

So please believe me, I know what I’m doing here and I’m sure everyone here will like it in the end.

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The other usability of r1 must of course be intuitive, so please don’t misunderstand. But in that case, it’s not good that you have to press the PTT button eight times, so I find my suggestion here much more understandable and logical.

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For example, @RaineSilverlock’s idea of ​​pressing the touchscreen could also happen accidentally depending on the use case, but the idea on the Topci here cannot.

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To use it like in the gif I’d have to turn the r1 sideways, and then cross my thumb over the screen to turn the wheel while I’m pressing ptt. I can’t turn it off by accident, that’s for sure. But that is not intuitive, comfortable, or user-friendly at all either. I never use my r1 that way, the team designed it to hold it with one hand and press PTT with your thumb, like using a walkie.

Turning it off on accident by pressing PTT 8 times is something I don’t understand, but even if it happens in rare cases, the device can be turned on with ease and nothing is lost.

I support adding more alternatives to power off, volume up/down, restart, change brightness, etc. But these alternatives should be as easy as talk to ask, use the touchscreen, touch the button, or spin the wheel. If you have to use the other hand to change the orientation of the device, move your fingers over the device, position them in a not natural way, or do things in combination like “do this and hold and then also do thisother thing” we’re missing the point.

You really don’t understand anything, I’m sorry to have to say it like that but please think about what you’ve written.

The gif shows very clearly that it can be done without any problems and you wouldn’t have to do that if you want to use r1, but only - and I mean only - if you can’t use r1 anyway because it’s stuck, for example.

Your arguments don’t fit with what you’re trying to achieve, you’re achieving exactly the opposite and if you don’t understand that it’s happening, and that users are turning their devices off unintentionally, then you still can’t just ignore it.

On the contrary, it’s very annoying when a device shuts down unintentionally and you then have to turn it back on and let it boot up again.

That’s not possible, it has to be fixed at all costs.

Please don’t take the song too seriously, this ist just black humor, but it’s just absurd what arguments there are for pressing the PTT button eight times and how anyone can be in favor of this Morse code programming.

You can’t be serious, can you?

R1 is such a great device but nobody will want it because this Morse code programming makes it so unusable that it only does things that you don’t actually want it to.

My intention is that r1 should be easy for everyone to use, because that is the only right path to success. @rabbit

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Does anyone here think that Apple or Microsoft or Chat GPT or Amazon or Tessla or Google would have ever been so successful if they had implemented this Morse code programming in their devices? No, definitely not!

But if you now have the chance with a device like the r1, because it only has one PTT button and a scroll wheel, to hold the most intuitive device in the world in your hand, then ladies and gentlemen, please put your trust in me and believe me, because that is exactly what I want too!

@rabbit @simon @jesse

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Do you think Apple will make you change the orientation of your iPhone, then cross a finger over the screen while pressing the side button that is now up because you’re holding the phone as it’s not supposed to, and spin a wheel to turn the device off in favor of just pressing a single button a few times holding the device in the right position?

I’m sorry but I think you’re pushing too hard for something that doesn’t make sense to everyone else but you.

Again, I support adding more alternatives. But not this one.