Teach Mode Error (Controller Failure)


Trying to get teach Rabbit to add a board game to my Want to Buy list (on https://boardgamegeek.com), but I keep getting a “Controller Failure” error during Replay. Any idea why? I’ve recreated the task multiple times.

My guess is that on Replay Teach Mode fails to highlight/map the top bar where the search box is.

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I tried to replicate this, but it seemed to work ok when I tried. I did not log in, but that should not make a difference for the UI, right?

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Not sure how you managed. I still cannot get it to see this area at the top when replaying.

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What do you mean that you can’t get it to see the area? You don’t see it appear when replaying or the lesson fails to select it?

If the latter, I found adding annotations to your lesson steps can help. Specifically how to recognize / find the box you are selecting.

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During the lessons I can click on the search box and type the title of a game. The recording is completed and successful. On replay, when it highlights the sections in green, I can see that the top bar is ignored. I am able to create successful tasks for other sites. Only this one fails on Replay.

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I’m having the same issue for another website search bar, letterboxd.com

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Thanks Fernando

Can you please DM me the lesson URL?

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