Raycast + Rabbit Hole Extension

Hi there,

TL:DR; Access your Rabbit Hole data directly in Raycast: Raycast - Your shortcut to everything

While the Rabbit r1 hasn’t revolutionized my day-to-day as a personal assistant (just yet), I wanted to get more out of the Rabbit Hole (that thing you log into on the web that shows your r1 usage). I’m often taking voice notes, photos, etc around the house and I wanted wider access to these things on my Mac.

I’m an avid Raycast user trying to use my mouse less (ie, always keeping my hands on the keyboard). I had the idea of reverse-engineering the Rabbit Hole API to access all of my data.

This allows you to access your recordings, camera, magic camera, notes, etc all from within Raycast.

The one caveat to all this is that it relies on getting your Rabbit Access Token from the browser (instructions in the README). As many of you probably noticed there is no official API or SDK and this Access Token expires in 24 hours, which is a huge bummer. If I find I am using my Rabbit a lot it’s not a big deal, but it is definitely a barrier to entry in the long term.

I built this in hopes of showing Rabbit and the community the types of cool things we could build with an API!

If you find this useful, or have any suggestions, please let me know! @erskinerob on twitter/x

More assets:
Video demo


Do you know if its coming to windows 10/11?

This is very cool!


Unfortunately I don’t know if Windows support is on Raycast’s roadmap :frowning: Looking at their FAQs it looks like they are considering support for Windows and Linux clients: Raycast - Your shortcut to everything

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