Rabbit R1 🇿🇦 South African Users

Hi There? Any users from South Africa here? Please add a line here and say hello :wave:

I’m from Switzerland and will visit my South African family in december 2024 and donate at least 2 rabbits there.


Hi @huggi - please welcome the pre-configured rabbit here.

Update will follow :sunny:

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hello @farmrabbit - welcome to the rabbit community and thanks for your feedback. Hope your rabbit brother will wake up soon…

PS: @simon I’ve sent you a PM regarding my order / question. Thanks!

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Hi @huggi and @farmrabbit - this is @cityrabbit


Update will follow :sunny:

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Hi @cityrabbit great to see you here. I hope you don’t go to wintersleep :smile:

Hope that you can set your timezone soon, the link to this feature is here:
missing timezones…

Have a good time!