r1 functions to make life easier for disabled people

r1 is really cool when you think about it and of course when you can and are allowed to use it yourself. But folks, how awesome do you think this device could be if it could also help disabled people (like me) or people who are in a much worse situation than me in their everyday lives? I think the people in charge at Rabbit should really think about this idea for the future! :slight_smile: What I mean is if r1 were given some AI functions to make everyday life easier for disabled people.

What do you think? :slight_smile:


Hi from Japan ~ I am ‘disabled’ (if that is how someone thinks of me (open-heart surgery, some leftside paralysis …) I do like your suggestion → to help everyone - that’s what it does now, making almost everything possible from one little ‘r1’, instead of having to open your laptop and/or phone etc. What particular things would you like included?

If it were up to me, then everything that is imaginable and for the future also things that are unfortunately not yet imaginable for most people, of course!

So interfaces (APIs), APPs, controller software, connection via BT and WiFi to medical devices such as robotic arms for the disabled, communication with robots, devices such as smartphones, other computers, smart home devices, doors, lift`s etc.

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And maybe I’ll even program these interfaces myself! Because it would be a waste and a shame from a human, moral and ethical point of view if no one else capable of doing this would do it. At least that’s what I think. :slight_smile:

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