News (Beta Rabbit) Often provides Sources...

Maybe I don’t do enough setup with News Inquiries, and thats fine, why though OFTEN asking BETA RABBIT for news I get the sources or other useless data? Here’s just a good set for August.


That’s a good question. I had the same problem once, but I couldn’t figure out why. Since then, which was a few days ago, it hasn’t happened to me again. I suspect that this is another ChatGPT thing…


More of a follow-up, not much improvement here, this morning did it 3X!
even with longer Id’ think more clear requests.

I am keeping on this one as the simple ask for NEWS Gets Trash. Last couple days trying perplexity as source… which gives good lines. Though OLD NEWS and Vague points (See Peplexity shot #7 #10)

  • Also seemed to reply old - one line at a time reply.

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Not sure if this used Perplexity, it says “complexity”

I got fairly good results with Perplexity. Although in other requests it just searched for news on Perplexity AI…

Edit: and for this response the R1 only gave the 1st one back verbally, I was actually surprised to find a full list in the rabbit hole.

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Fair, I noticed that. This is one of my Daily asks tho, since 5/4.

I don’t understand why its so hard, Here’s the Trash Perplexity Inquiry from yesterday tho.

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