Music Set-up Help/Ideas Please

Hi everyone ~

I have a question about ‘Music’ …

Got my r1 yesterday (yeah), I live in Tokyo, Japan, and r1 is saying that ‘Apple music does not work in my area’!?! r1 said ‘Try Apps like Amazon Music’, but that didn’t work either. I don’t have a Spotify account, so what next?

Bluetooth did not connect the r1 to my iPhone 13 pro-max ;-( ==> how can I get music on my r1?

:thinking:…Best advice is to create a Spotify account.

that doesn’t work either.

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i understood its not compatible with iphone hotspots for wifi, i failed to connect also. but never tried a bluetooth , i ll test it also

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I could connect with iPhone 14pro hotspot and have an internet connection. Works fine.
With “compatibility max” eneable didnt work. With normal settings works

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i ll test i have a pro max 14 and 15 , i ll update after test

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Thanks for the suggestion ~ I did open a Free Spotify account :slight_smile:

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tested and still doesnt coonnect

Hi Alex,

My pro max 13 wouldn’t connect via Bluetooth to play music, but someone suggested open a Spotify account. ( I already have a paid Apple account, so I didn’t want to pay for another one just for r1, BUT they do have Free Accounts => I signed up and now I can hear the Spotify music on my Mac Book Pro and r1 (free/unpaid account). HAVE A GO ~


Check where you have your region set to in your Apple Settings. I live in France, but my region is set to the USA, so I’m not surprised that I am getting the “doesn’t work in your region” message. I don’t imagine I would really play music on the Rabbit anyway as it does not have a strong battery life.

clearly states you need a payed account, but i ll test it again for you

Naaa, I never had a paid Spotify account in my life and it works well since i connected it!
Let’s make a try!

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I ll confirm. It does work now with an unpaid account, but i can say with confidence that it did not work in the past. all time was replying with:

" an unpaid Spotify account have been detected "

But again seems like now it works! +10 points for this one rabbit

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Will see what happen in the future with paid services marked as required, I’m happy you can now enjoy you music on your R1.

:clap: :clap:



  1. Download your favourite tracks to the R1’s internal memory by cable, WiFi or Bluetooth
  2. Wait until a voice-activated MP3 player a playlist organiser function is added.

Great news! What is the process please…