Mini-game for the R1

Yes please!! That would be so cool.

Tic tac toe should be pretty doable on the R1 screen!

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Not too much to share yet, but just wanted to give a small update that this conversation is happening!



Super excited to see what the team comes up with!

Amazing! Thanks for sharing Simon!

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Happy Big Lebowski GIF


Cant wait!

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I like the idea that others are bringing up for the tomagotchi like Rabbit R1 Game. It would be cool if the Rabbit Home Animation was essentially made into your tomagotchi Rabbit, and it would be cool if you could play with your Rabbit from the home screen and then moments later ask it a normal question


A breakout/Arkanoid clone could work really well on this device…


Chess please ! Let me play the Ai or have an API to Dr. Wolf App to play against that app.



I just played a game of tic tac to on the R1!

Enabled terminal mode and asked if we could play a game. “Sure what do you want to do?”

So I suggest Tic tac to.

Did it work, Yes!! Issues! Absolutely! Was it fun hell yes!!!



I been sayin’ this fo daaaayyyyys.

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Rabbit could partner with the gang at You Don’t Know Jack and we could have Trivia nights?

After the last update it did a bit better in tic tac to.

But, unfortunately even without my clear instructions to check the board after my move and consult the rules of the game before playing ‘your/R1’s’ move. It still did not recognize me win.

Also, it continues to read the board out loud. Which is incredibly annoying.

But, not sure if this is due to the update or that it ‘learned I like to do games’. Upon prompting “lets play a game”, I now got a list of options!

  • 20 questions!
    Loads of fun. 1st game R1 had it right in 14.
    Second game it forgot the pont of the game haha.

Me: have you kept track of the amount of questions?
R1: Yes! If asked 20 questions so far. I have 5 more questions left.
Me: You’ve made an error, check the name of the game we are playing and the rules of the game and tell me the error.
R1: my apologies, I have asked 21 questions. Sorry for the mistake.
Me: What does that mean?
R1: That I have 4 questions left.


  • words associations
  • Trivia
  • Storytelling
    We ended up with a great story. In the beginning R1 actually played right in on my vibe. Towards the end it was more me who carried the story and R1 kind of summarized what I said.
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I’m all ears :slight_smile:

That is what it is, already.
Just up- graded/dated hard/software.

Here’s a write up on the virtual pet game/Tamagotchi r1 idea.


It woks try it! Even tell the rabbit about you and a friend entering a dungeon. I told it to be the dungeon master and it asked me to roll a d20 then tell it what i got on the d20. I asked it to roll for me and it did. You can tottally do a dungeon adventure with the Rabbit just ask it! itd be great if it showed a consistant pixel picture of like each corridor of the dungeon.

Perhaps this?