Memory V1 - Thoughts, Cases, Utility? Issues? InfoSec?

Hey! Wanted to start discussions on this. See what it does for us. @simon was also Tasked by @jesse on release to show us a use case of memory in an adventure. I started to think of that myself. I tried an adventure but need to see what else I can do to better that so memory makes since. I’ll be interested in seeing what you get made!

I wondered curious and InfoSec if that also allows memory injection, for the bad and good. Good on my side, Bad to pass on to Rabbit Security as ran into them.

On so far quick tests, R1 will not grab info I edited into the notes. :thinking: Maybe an already security thing, but also would have been handy to update or correct miss readings.

Seems to edit lists and go off the most recent one when we do them? so that is only way to edit them?

Also want to know what other things are you all trying with Memory v0 and finding.


Awesome Little Bird GIF

What you all using memory for?
can we use it to recall handy things yet?
I tried a little making a ‘Guideline’ Note with it but haven’t got far.

Anything you all area finding cool?


I often need to reference old notes on game design and being able to hear summaries of game design rants I’ve gone on is super helpful. Generally before the r1, I would use a voice recorder and then have to fully listen back or manually transcribe the notes. Now I can quickly get a refresher on what I’ve talked about and continue designing around my old designs.