Memory Recall Issues

My observation of memory recall is that it is able to remember a single piece of information, such as my favorite color, however it has trouble going back and extracting information from a long block of text. For example, I saved a note of my girlfriend’s weekly work schedule then, days later, tried to ask r1 “what is my girlfriend’s work schedule today?”. Unfortunately, no matter how many variations of this I try, r1 is not able to recall the schedule at all, let alone understand it and tell me what the schedule is for the day I ask. I’d love to see r1 not only be able to recall notes but understand the context of the note and what the intention is.


I’ve experienced this issue many times. Sometimes my rabbit just generates random false information and tries to gaslight me into thinking it’s recalled when it clearly isn’t the information I earlier provided. The note summary completely doesn’t work. After taking several voice notes it informed me; “either I can’t access your notes or you’ve never taken any!” I look in rabbithole and there are at least a dozen. When I asked about the contents or summary of a specific note based on rabbithole summary / title, and it literally had no clue what I was talking about. Awful currently

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I have similar issues—but I do seem to get a ‘hit’ more often by asking “Can you remember….rather than simply asking the question. I separately asked it to remember tidbits of information on my sisters (names, birthdays, addresses, children and their names) and then asking sequential questions prefaced with “can you remember…” yielded pretty good results

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I have silly Trouble with Recall… Doesn’t like to work… often will ask to recall a list and “Saving a Note…”
I asked it to recall one yester day and got that - NOT A RECALL OPERATION! :man_facepalming:t3:

I can’t ever recall my Grocery List right… This morning it dosen’t even “exist” (see it!)

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Agree. There should be a sort of learning skills to teach our preferences - I have asked for example to give me weather forecasts in celsius and to do it from now and in 2 hours r1 forgot completely! @simon what do you think? Will it be in the teachMode?

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