Lifesaver option

Even though most people may believe that they could never get into a life-threatening situation, this is a fallacy. You only need to look at the numbers for such situations and basically no one is exempt from it.

Therefore, I think Rabbit should at some point be given the opportunity to save lives.

And what technology would be the most intelligent way to do this than with AI?

With an AI companion like r1, of course!

Personally, I imagine that r1 could use its sensors to specifically detect whether someone might have just fallen, had a serious accident or whether someone is in a life-threatening situation such as heat or extreme cold.

From a technical point of view, further situations would of course also be conceivable, but that would go well beyond the scope here.

If this is the case, r1 could then, for example, depending on the situation and the scenarios detected, either actively ask the user important questions and then send these questions in summary form to emergency contacts stored in the Rabbit Hole, or if a response comes from the user, also forward this to the stored contacts together with the GPS data.

Of course there should also be an optional setting for this.

In order to achieve this life-saving functionality, it would not even be technically necessary to touch the data protection functionalities of r1, because these things could simply be run locally on every r1.

Of course, the emergency-questions would only be possible if r1 is online, but if r1 is not online or does not have a connection to Rabbit at the moment, an existing Bluetooth connection to the user’s smartphone could be used as an alternative, for example to simply make an emergency call if the user does not respond in order to defuse a time-limited warning from r1.

Or r1 could simply initiate an emergency call itself in such a case.

This idea could be developed indefinitely, because with AI almost anything is possible if you really want it, but I think something like this would be really helpful in a real emergency situation.

Provided that the battery capacity of r1 and of course other important technical and non-technical factors even allow something like this to be realized.