Important Technical Questions

Another small suggestion from me. :wink:

I think that users who like statistics would find it really cool if r1 could answer questions about its own technical values.

I’m specifically thinking of questions like:

Question: “How long will your battery last?” Answer: “My battery lasts about 7 hours with current use…”

Question: “How long will it take until the battery is fully charged?” Answer: “My battery is fully charged in about 10 minutes”

Question “What is your technical condition?” Answer: “The health of my battery is still about 96%. My PTT button has already been pressed 2456 times and will last X more times before it simply falls out of the device…” or something similar. (just a joke! :rofl: )

Question: “How good is your connection?” Answer: “I’m currently connected via WiFi and the maximum possible transfer speed is currently X MB’s per second.”

What do you think about it?


Great idea! This would be very cool for sure. Having the r1 know about itself makes sense to me.