here's a clue for an upcoming feature ;)

all will be revealed soon :upside_down_face:


:grin:…I dont think this will ever be possible.

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Oh my gosh, please tell me it’ll be like the Adam Sandler film Click and we can control people’s actions with it!? :rofl:

But back in reality, I’m quite intruiged, look forward to the reveal!

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The Questions is What device you will allowed to control you like that.

I know what my first prompt after the update is going to be.
r1: I wanna see you breakdance


I am really excited for the upcoming weekly updates. Always have fun to test new prompts, functions and to support the you, @simon , and the development team.

Do you have an exactly time, when the release will come (AM, PM)?


Appreciate the tease @simon !

Controle of some sort would be my guess.

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Usually around early afternoon on a Thursday :slight_smile:

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Hi @simon,

great, thank you for your quick reply.:+1:

I would never put it down if it could do that I could become rich🤑

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So, it could be the integration of YouTube Music. Or it could also be a feature preventing drunk dancing/boxing john does to mess with your teenager in a subway where all seats are orange, but this is kinda niche use case :thinking:


Maybe webhooks?

Who needs webhooks when you have dr hook

Now I understand where you got the inspiration for the color!

Can you give the time zone for this please?

In the UK and eagerly awaiting the weekly update, nothing yet and it is 5:52pm.


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Hi! It’ll be around 9pm tonight UK time.


Thank you!

Good to know and thanks also for quick reply!

Delayed by an hour or so for the announcement today.

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Thanks for the quick update!