Custom Avatars on the Rabbit

I’m interested in presenting custom avatars based off my website on the Rabbit device.

Is this something perhaps achievable one day?

My avatars have behavior, identity, personality, customizable by a user. What fun would it be to be able to interact with them on the Rabbit!


great idea :slight_smile:

i saw already on amazon some stickers made of out the logo with some personalised accessories, think if you start from that and add to the logo a body so people can personalise cloths etc could be fun :wink:

but i hope they can focus on more basic functionality first :slight_smile:


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I realize how much work is needed on the backend of the R1 to bring it into the realm of usable…

I’m actively scoping in clothing, coffee mugs, etc for my site’s avatars. It wouldn’t be a stretch for device skins too.

I have no idea what the UX could become on this platform. My website is 2-3 months from go live and avatars seem like a natural fit for this device.
