1000 users on the forum!

Hey guys, we just hit a great milestone on this forum, we crossed 1000 users somewhere in the last 24 hours, and now have over 1300 of you registered here.

I want to take the opportunity to thank you all for being part of this forum. Although we’re still in a testing phase, I am very hopeful that this place continues to be a key part of our community strategy. Discord is great, but there are areas where it falls short - it’s not great at structured discussions, it’s not great for logging and following up on bug reports and feature requests, and it has a tendency to get quite chaotic on busy days, which takes a lot of mental effort for people to actually try and keep up with important information.

I hope you’ve all been enjoying it here so far, and myself, @rabbit, @jesse and the team are always happy to hear your suggestions of things you’d like to see or ways we can improve.

Thanks Rabbit Fam! :listeningrabbit: :raised_hands:


Thanks for all the effort put into the forum, I’m finding it very helpful and enjoying the experience. I’ve found some very informative posts by various members, which would have been more or less impossible to pick up in Discord


Congrats! :slight_smile:

Thanks for getting me in here! I love the discord for intermediate interactions but this is SO much better for keeping track of discussions.



I’ve personally been enjoying it better here compared to Discord. Just much more organized.

Looking forward to see the forum grow!


Well I’m officially off discord so I’m happy to see the forum more populated


The forum has been pretty solid for having >1000 users already. Awesome!