Where does the R1 stand today?

  • Super Excited - “More than I ever expected, works perfectly!”
  • Extremely Happy - “This is amazing, everything works flawlessly!”
  • Very Positive - “Really satisfied, almost everything is great.”
  • Fairly Satisfied - “It’s good, just a few small improvements needed.”
  • Somewhat Positive - “It’s okay, but there are some noticeable issues.”
  • Neutral/Indifferent - “Neither good nor bad, it’s just fine.”
  • Slightly Negative - “Not quite what I was hoping for, has problems.”
  • Quite Unhappy - “I’m disappointed, many things don’t work well.”
  • Very Negative - “This is far from what I expected, needs a lot of work.”
  • Extremely Disappointed - “I can’t use this, it’s completely broken!”
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