Vision Mode: Image retention mode

This was an idea originally conceived by @leahcim
I made a mock-up of the idea here.

The goal is to be able to continue talking about the same image/ scene you showed to your r1.


Yes, 100%

i mentioned this as well, that would be nice to be able to fallow up question after using Vision. adding the pic to the answer is also super cool. but if it take them so long to add Celsius to the system im very curious … good job doh!


This is a great suggestion and I appreciate the mockup! I’ve just submitted it as a feature request to the team.


this is actually a great idea. i appreciate to see this mock-up and encourage community show us more ideas you have!


Nice mockup! This is definitely a great suggestion to improve vision mode capabilities


Thank you for the feedback, Jesse! I love how the r1 community has contributed to the device’s development through suggestions. Rabbit Inc is by far one of my favorite companies for how engaged y’all are with the community. I plan to keep searching around and chatting with others to propose more additions to rabbitOS.

You’ve said it best during the discord call a few weeks back when you mentioned you have ideas, but the ideas of the community being added will truly help the r1 become the best it can be.



Cheers, Simon! I love how the community contributes to the device. It’s brilliant chatting with everyone here and hearing all the brilliant visions we have for r1! :weatherrabbit:


I love this idea!! I would love to see it being added. Also how did you make the mock up?


Glad you enjoy it! :slightly_smiling_face:

I used “Freeform” by . I have a “rabbit r1 playground” environment set up with all sorts of displays, bezels, buttons, frames, and of course the white rabbit, which is actually a GIF in my environment. I started with this press release photo of the r1:

I then overlayed shapes on each component in order to get as best a match as I could, and ended up with this model, where I can take apart all the pieces:

After making a few renditions, user @xenwow sent me this version used in the r1’s user guide:

Funny enough, the proportions aren’t accurate in this version, which caused me to look back and forth between my model and the r1, and I found an issue with the screen, which I fixed here:

Xenwow uses Adobe illustrator for their designs, as seen here. I think it’s great to have the designs from the community realized in this way, and able to be shown off to the staff at rabbit inc. If you’ve got an Apple device, I’d be happy to send you a copy of my environment so you can start making some designs as well!

Edit: actually, here’s a 30 day link to a copy of it. Y’all enjoy, and I hope you make some awesome designs!


This is great C28! I agree with the last sentiment especially!
the more people we get providing constructive creative ideas the better :]


Great suggestion. I would also love the ability to “set” magic camera with a prompt.

“Set magic camera to: Take a picture and make it look like 90’s cassette futurism”

Until the user returns to the main r1 screen or reprompts Magic Camera the filter will stay the same.

prompt retention!


You just sparked a great idea! I’ll start working on a mock-up now :yum:


The idea has been realized :weatherrabbit:

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