USB-C as a connector/interface for other devices (for 'teach-mode', remote control)

Hi rabbit-team,
Hi community,

mainly the USB-C interface is in use for charging our rabbit r1.

I think it could be a great improvement to have the USB-C interface as a connector for other devices like smartphones, computer etc…

As a connector to a computer you can use the rabbit r1 to process daily tasks or automatism.

By connecting with a computer maybe the possibility is given to create prompts like

‘Write an email in Outlook to xxx to agree the appointment’, etc…

So the chance is given to have an other fast and easy way to create automatism as an alternative to the planned ‘teach-mode’.

Also the possibility is given to control other devices with prompts, the rabbit keyboard, etc…


This is a must!

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Thank you, @C28 . :slightly_smiling_face::+1:

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Nice idea. :slight_smile:

Perhaps the USB C could be used for a dock (possibly a power bank made by Rabbit if you are around) for long teaching sessions or to always keep it up on the desk, bypassing the battery problem. The two docks/power banks could be coordinated with the Rabbit in terms of shapes and colours, with in turn USB C or normal sockets. Maybe the rabbit can be put into “awake assistant” mode as soon as it is connected to the support and make it always remain active.