Unnable to delete an alarm

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Unable to delete an alarm. I create an alarm for everyday at 08 am. When I ask show me the alarm the voice says: no alarms but It show the alarm on the screen but cannot delete it

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You should be able to go to it and go down and delete it I can.

However when you ask if there are any alarms set it tells you there are none and it shows you alarms which are there even ones active.

You ask it to cancel alarms and it says there isn’t any active but shows you the alarm screen with them listed active or not.

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Still do not work
unable to delete alarms. I tell show all my alarms an the voice says no alarms but the screen shows the two. I tell delete all alarms by voice or via screenboard and no way


From your above screen click the button on the side of the device for the alarm you want to delete it should then come up with the screen below


No way. I did It several times one day after another. When I click the button It goes to the first screen.
See the Video on Discord in my ticket 5379

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I got it via a ticket in Discord. The click on the button has to be a very ,very short and quick click otherwise it goes back to voice prompt. Thanks

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