Supermarket magazines

Hello everyone :fox_face:

So i have a request for a implementation for the new beta rabbit search capabilities as i think it is not worth it to train the r1 on x site to look for supermarket magazines and its offers inside.

I would like rabbit r1 to be able to research for me the current offers available in supermarket magazines in the region or country im in by default based of location.

So if i ask something like "research the prices of current offers in x supermarket magazines and provide me a response with x amount of dishes i can make for x amount of days of the week based of x amount of moneys my budget have available for buying food"

And it will output such answer and of course depending on what you ask the answer will differ based on the question.

I would argue that such implementation would make it easiere for everyone buying food in these days of higher prices.

I know this is a small request but i would really like it be implemented for the search capabilities rather than having to train 16 different lessons for each of the magazines i want it to look and research for me if that makes any sense to you.

Not a urgent request but rather a wishful thought.

I would like people making their opinions on this so we can inspire the devs. I would also like to have people saying why it should not be a standard feature of the search capabilities but rather wanting to train it yourself or both.

Leave a comment down below. Would love to hear everyone's thoughts.

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Hi @Foxplaid19973

I think this idea is cool and has been solved at least in my small country (Switzerland) with the following app on Google Play/Apple AppStore: - I wonder if they will expand their “reachability” to other countries?! I will reach out to them if they have a website where “LAM Playground” could be usede to search for profits. Thanks for pointing out the idea!

Let’s see what they say :star_struck:

After you selected the discounted items you want, you can simply add the items to your favourite
We as a family used to use Bring! (which is also the maintainer of the Profital app) and now switched to which also supports to import items directly from Recipes. Full story is available at: Cooking with Rabbit - #2 by huggi