Hello Community,
Today I was using the Rabbit R1 to perform a purchase on Amazon. It was slipped out of my hand at approximately 5 to 10 centimeters from my desk, landing on it. Something already happened that didn’t cause any damage to the device.
When picking it up, I started hearing a shaking noice, like when something small, for example a skrew or some other small component takes place and starts moving around the device’s chassis.
The whole R1 is not compromised, a part of the fact that I randomly rotated the wheel and disconnected it from WiFi, but it functioned well. Cellular network is going, it speaks, the camera is ok, it charges when connected… I’m getting worried because I don’t want that component to break some main part of the device.
I’ve immediately contacted support requiring explanation and eventual reparation fees, but I want the whole community to know about my issue. And if @Simon or somebody inside the Rabbit team could explain how should I act in these cases, I’ll be great!
I take the occasion to report that when purchasing on Amazon or on any other websites using LAM, my R1 doesn’t require the passcode. That’s a significantly big concern for security and Privacy and I hope Rabbit will fix it as soon as possible.
I’m also being prompted to verify my identity from Google, and from Amazon it requires the password every time I try to check out. The fact is: on the R1, there’s no way to see the interface and nobody who can see can help me. In rabbit hole, the browser interface is unaccessible for blind people and I can’t navigate it with my ScreenReader on my PC. So I am not independent while logging in. I hope Rabbit fixes it as soon as possible.
This seems to be a loose screw inside, it happens to mine also. sometimes i get my camera blocked because of it …
Yeah I thought it as well because this morning it stopped doing it as well as I don’t shake it on purpose, and it didn’t compromise the overall behaviour of the product. Meanwhile Support didn’t respond.
Escalating to support was the right thing to do here!
I have a similar issue with mine, but hasnt caused any issues. I did report it to support just to log the ticket and they offered a return. Since mine works fine and I haven’t had any negative effects I declined the return for now. But if yours is having issues you should definitely do that.
I did, I’ve been waiting for a whole week, but the Rabbit Support does not reply to my inquiry.