a new OTA just dropped, and reminders are now on r1! check the featured release notes thread for all the info.
Got a few problems with it:
- The reminder card doesn’t say what the reminder is
- When you ask for a list of reminders it says they aren’t set
- When you say “set a reminder” it says no reminders are set, would you mind to set one? And then I say yes and it repeats.
No worries. Thanks for the quick reply
Hi everyone! Sorry to get you all excited, but we disabled reminders as they weren’t working in production. It was a strange one, because they’ve been working fine in our testing environment.
We are doing a root cause analysis and we believe a further hotfix is required and this is high priority. More news to come soon!
Quick update on this - we’ll push a global fix tomorrow but in the meantime, unlinking and relinking your r1 from rabbithole will fix reminders!
(you may lose any existing alarms by doing this but you can set them again)
OTA hotfix is out!
The remainders still need one thing—GPS-locked reminders, like reminding me when I get back home to call grandma or when I get to shop to buy toilet rolls, etc. Of course, that would require adding at least the home location or other locations that the rabbit should know. Maybe it should ask where that location is when it does not know.
By the way, the old sticky notes were helpful to some point; they just did not have a proper interface. Can we keep them but add some extra functionality, like adding a list to those notes? Imagine creating a shopping list or a present list of to-do tasks and adding a daily timer to remind you about those lists. By that, I mean when I ask first thing during the day, it should add that I have uncompleted lists. Would you like to review them?