R1 as an NEXT GEN AI Callagent!

There are members in the community who wish that you could also make phone calls or send SMS using r1, for example. I would say that’s wrong, because that’s what you have your smartphone for, but what would of course be MEGA, and that would mean NEXT GEN AI Companion (AI Call Agent, AI Assistant), is if r1 could simply callor send SMS to someone itself, initially on prior instruction or later perhaps from a calendar entry or something similar, in order to then, for example, clarify certain things for the appointment in advance or to ensure that the appointment actually takes place.

especially since i had this feature in 2002 with my Skytel Timeport p935 (yea i just aged myself lol). That was amazing. I could type out a text message and an automated voice will call a landline or cell phone and read off what i typed.

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We are currently at ground zero on this, huge opportunity for product growth!