Please, no more Morse code development!

Thank you for this post and the discussion about this topic, @leahcim.:+1:

At first I have to say that I do not like capslock titles or sentences.

If an idea have good arguments, the idea will be supported. Capslock do not support this.:slightly_smiling_face:

To your suggestion I would like to give an other suggestion with the following intro question:

Why we should decide between an option A and option B?

The rabbit r1 is our personal assistant.
The goal of our rabbit should be on individualization.

Pesonally I like to use my rabbit r1 like a walkie talkie, although I am open minded for new technical features because of my job in the IT sector.

@Tofi has mentioned a very good argument for the case if the rabbit do not react anymore of our voice commands. In the IT you have to always a plan B in this cases. Pressing button is a very good solution.

The individualization is the key the rabbit r1 will be get the personal assistent as we want. Later with the teach-mode in this year, we have a great device compared with other technical devices or smartphones.

So I do not like to decide between two options.
I prefer the compromise to have both options, which we can activate or deactivate in our settings.

What would you say about this compromise which will increase the individualization much more as your option A and option B? :slightly_smiling_face: