Asked a couple times, and was told a couple times, that rabbit would get us an ETA on an update to make the r1 display magic pics on device.
That was a month ago, and no response the last time I asked.
Lol, saw that Simon had interacted with my post. Got excited maybe he had the ETA, but he just edited my post to change the category
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I’m trying to get an ETA, but it does look like it’s still on track for Q3. If I get any more specifics than that I’ll let you know. A lot of projects got deprioritised to put more resources on Teach Mode, but it seems that at least some of the work on this was already done before that, so it may not be a massive lift to get the rest of it done.
thanks for answering. Ftr unless the camera feature would be harder to implement than TeachMode (probably not) I think it would have made sense to get that out first, it would have only made TeachMode take a little longer than it would anyway.
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