Left-handed mode

Another idea… :wink:

It is also intended for people who like to do things with their left hand, in this case it would probably be optimal if r1 (when the terminal is activated) could not only react to a 90 degree tilt with the terminal, but also simply always rotate the image by 180 degrees if tilted by 180 degrees.

This would ensure that people who prefer to operate things with their left hand would probably enjoy r1 even more.

Maybe there should be an option for this in the settings?

What do you think about it?


Luckily, I’m ambidextrous (even if I write with my left hand and do some other things like a lefty) so I can use any piece of hardware without issues, but for people that find it hard to use devices with their right hand, or even for disabled people, giving them the chance of using the other hand is always a good idea and should be considered.


I’m a lefty and would love this too. Also, the r1 arm bracer I built looks better when it’s facing the other way IMO. Lefty Mode would solve that

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