LAM playground (Post your uses here)

That’s the same case for composing a mail with gmail. it couldn’t find the textbox for the body of the mail. so it ended up sending a mail with just a topic title.

It seems like LAM works with visual information… I hope it is a combination of both visual and webpage code but i’m not sure.


Hope it gets a fix soon. It keeps using the doodle page as a starting point and starts exploring it instead of visiting pages mentioned in the prompt.

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I got the doodle page once now. More concerning: it had remembered my google credentials after I deleted the session data in the profile privacy settings.

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I must confess that even in a classic web browser this button is a headache for my mouse (talking about :smile:

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Hi again, I managed to place an UberEats order today using the LAM web interface!!. I was able to login by helping the rabbits to solve the puzzle. However, when I tried doing the same with the LAM R1 interface, the puzzle became unsolvable, showing dice addition problems where the images don’t match the expected results. I even used a calculator to speed things up, but there is nothing to do when the correct answers are not proposed in the captchas. On the LAM web interface, once I log in, UberEats stays connected, allowing me to continue interacting with the rabbits without needing to log in again. It would be great to have this same feature in the R1 interface as well so I can play with the voice command and maybe pass a new order again!


I’ve finally logged in using the LAM r1 interface, and it’s amazing what the rabbits can do. For example, they can search for the price of a Coca-Cola at the nearest subway station, retrieve details from my last order, including the date, cost, and contents, and even reload that order to create a new one. It also allows for adding a tip afterward and managing delivery priority. :exploding_head: :exploding_head:


Hi guys,

Short question here, I am not sure to understand the final purpose of the LAM playground.
Is it a one shot purpose, meaning I show him how to perform something till the end, but then ? I just hit pause and quit the page?
How to recall what I have learned him to do from the R1 then?

Exemple with
First from the rabbit hole I will show hom how to connect to my account and then show him for exemple how to search and article an add it to my cart.
Then how to proceed on the R1 itself?
I just press to talk and have to say what? « Please go to and search for this article and add to my cart the greatest reviewed one »
Is that correct?
If so, it could also have been nice during the playground part to have above the description field a kind of « command to trigger the action » no? Like when I am asking you « Find this article and add it to my Amazon cart » he knows what to do.

I am lost with the purpose, it is for one shot or to recall actions learnt? If so why not having a kind of trigger setting to recall the actions.

Thanks for the clarification guys :raised_hands:t2:


That’s something for teachmode! I believe this is more of like a preview of what the LAM system is capable of at the moment.

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