Email Support on r1

The way I can see email Support working on rabbit r1.

When asking rabbit “pull up my emails” It’ll give me all my emails in a list where I can select the email I want to view press the button to go into the email and it’ll give me a summary of the email on screen with a few buttons at the bottom for reply, forward, and favorite.

When you’re expecting an email, you can even ask it “show me my recent emails” in which it’ll give you a brief summary of the most recent emails received and if you want to get more information on one of the emails, you can ask it “tell me more on X email”

This would also work with sending emails, for example asking it “send/reply email to X and then the context”


I think this idea is really good, but the part about the buttons sounds a bit creepy to me. So I would add to this basically great suggestion that most things should not be possible via buttons, but only via a most possible intuitive dialogue with r1, namely via speech.

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