Double click button to silence

When people are around it would be nice to stop the entire read outloud. I like it sometimes, but also need a live way to silence. As you shouldnt be flipping to the camera as soon as you asked it something, a double, or even triple click could silence the R1 feedback. Of course, also there should be a permanent setting to allow voice feedback all together on or off. But like i said, i want to do it on the fly sometimes


just mute your volume :wink:

hold PTT and scroll down till mute

oh i take it back , i forget this thing was not solved yet. u cant actually turn down volume when the rabbit is already replying

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maybe a tap on the screen to mute it ?


Yes, anything would be nice. Of course also i should i able to ask any of these functions and it could tell me how to do them (another idea if its not already there - i tested out by asking “how do i turn up your volume” …and R1 said “volume is increased” lol…didnt get that right)

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Oof… that stays something that definitely needs to be solved


a good reminder for the r1 team :slight_smile: @simon

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