Can we get some Rabbit people up in here'uh!!

Seriously, there are so many patient users posting up in here who deserve some really thick rich gravy and unconventional exploitations from ya’ll before we continue to give you more money!

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I think the rabbits are already working as well as they can to solve the many problems that still exist. They just can’t do magic and what we all really need is a lot of patience. Everything that is going to be good takes time.


Unfortunately, unforeseen problems often arise during development, which unfortunately lead to delays in less important things.


We need to see regular updates on development, if not just another start-up of which there are many

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They are already working… :person_shrugging:


I also wish we saw more from the engineering side. I think enough time has passed that we are probably due to be hearing from them soon, stay tuned :wink:


Like all of us, listening, but no reception so far

Myself, @rabbit, @jesse @mattdomko are all here.

Who would you like to hear more from? And what would you like to hear about?

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The development team on any progress

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