While Beta Rabbit or normal rabbit is giving me a long answer and displaying the answer on the screen, if now I want to increase the volume with PTT + scroll-wheel while the answer is being read out which is SUCH A COMMON thing that can happen, Beta Rabbit just stops. The screen goes to the Home Screen and I loose the answer displayed in the screen. Now I did notice that Beta Rabbit makes sure to finish the sentence before stopping too soon that’s great, but a volume change should not stop the current process. And much less the most important process. PLEASE FIX THIS.
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I have noticed this too, when I try to adjust mid response and its too low or someone starts talking I am out or luck till ends unless I want to end it right away.
Good call out
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Yes, this happened to me two times already. A perfect solution would be able to change the volume with just the wheel. PTT+wheel when the system is idle / wheel alone when rabbit is talking