Beta rabbit into the normal mode

Hi rabbit-team,
Hi community,

today the following question appears for the ‘beta rabbit’ mode. So I would like to ask and discuss this here.

Often I use and test the ‘beta rabbit mode’ to get powerful information, helpful formulations etc…

Sometimes some rabbit users (me too) have the problem to get the correct pronunciation for ‘BETA rabbit’. So ‘Peter Rabbit’ and other word creations are formed. :sunglasses: :weatherrabbit:

Our rabbit r1 and the cloud system get a very fast development progress in my opinion. Many updates have improved our systems with new great features and new functions for beta rabbit.

In my point of view the beta rabbit mode could be implement as the ‘normal mode’ at this moment, because of the fast and good development progress, together with really good/helpful hints and reports of the community.

So I would like to ask and discuss here, if the ‘beta rabbit mode’ could be the normal mode, which also can improved during the development progress like right now?

If not, is there a time or milestone-plan to get beta rabbit out of the beta mode into normal mode?

Thank you for your opinions, the great support and community work here. :+1:


The quick answer is yes!

I am not able to share a timeline yet, but “graduating” Beta Rabbit to be the default is a high priority and progress is moving fast. More to come soon :slight_smile:


Hi @simon ,

very good news. :+1:
Thank you so much for your support and for your quick answer.:wink:

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