Beta Rabbit | bad keyword recognition

Most of the time the R1 doesn’t recognize the keyword “beta rabbit”. I’m from Germany, but my English isn’t too bad. My favourite misunderstandings so far are 'Hey, Peter Rabbit" and ‘Beat our rabbit’ :wink:

Request: Show wether Beta Rabbit mode is activated on the screen. That way I know instantly if the R1 understood me. Perhaps add a text oder change the rabbit animation. Right now I can check that afterwards in the rabbit hole.


I agree, maybe ‘peter rabbit’ etc. Could also trigger beta rabbit for now.

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It seems to be setup for US pronunciation. So it’s bay-tuh, not bee-tuh.


Yep, that seems to be the case, @PaulBacon . If the pronunciation is more American and no other words are used before, then the keyword recognition is better.

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Have the same issue as a german. :slight_smile:
I can understand @sven.niedermeier in his experience.

I will try the US pronunciation. Thank you for the hint @PaulBacon .

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At present, if the pronunciation is not accurate, you can use the translation on the phone to input what you want to say and then pronounce it, but it feels too troublesome. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Good Idea, @RaineSilverlock ! But perhaps it’s not a bug, but a feature: “The Rabbit R1 helps all non-native speakers to improve their pronunciation by ignoring everything, that is mispronounced” :rofl:


the Beta rabbit follows rules, the 3 and 6 he lists say this:
3 I understand what he says in other languages, but I will only respond in English.
6 If you are not speaking coherent English, I will do my best to understand and respond.
Evidently 3 is not written well, which forces the rabbit to listen thinking that it is a basic English language. I’m neither a computer scientist nor a programmer so I don’t know if it’s enough to change the rule to make him wait for commands in other languages ​​or accents, because in the various tests I did he eventually understood part of the sentence in the non-English language, but not the meaning of the whole sentence. If you use the terminal the matter changes and the language can be set and spoken to easily.

The good news is we’re getting much closer to making beta rabbit the default, so it won’t require a specific trigger!


I found out that If I say beta rabbit with a French accent, it works every time.
I am a French Canadian btw.

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