Any SelfHosters Here?

My Adventures in Self-Hosting: LLMs, Text Editors, and More!

Hey fellow self-hosting enthusiasts! :smile:

Cat’s impressive list of hosted services inspired me to share my own self-hosting setup. It’s not as extensive, but it’s quite unique in its own way. Let’s dive in!

Hosted Services:

Language Model Hosting:

  • LLM Model with llama-cpp-python: I’m hosting my very own language model using llama-cpp-python. Currently, I’m running Llama-2-7B-Chat.Q4_K_M from Hugging Face. It’s a blast to interact with this model! For more details on my setup, check out this post (Spanish).

Custom Text Editor:

  • My Python Text Editor: To make the most out of my LLM, I programmed my own text editor in Python. You can check it out on GitHub. It’s tailored for seamless interaction with my language model server. And this project has plenty of funny bugs. :laughing:

Development Tools:

  • Jupyter Notebook Server: I run a Jupyter Notebook server for all my data science and machine learning experiments. It’s incredibly handy for quick prototyping and interactive coding sessions.

Remote Desktop:

  • VNC Server: I also host a VNC server to connect to my server laptop’s desktop environment from anywhere. It gives me full GUI access, making management a breeze.

File Sharing:

  • Samba Share Server: For easy file sharing across my home network, I set up a Samba share server. It allows seamless access to files from any device within my network.

Remote Access:

  • SSH Server: An SSH server is also in place for secure remote command-line access to my server. It’s essential for managing and troubleshooting my setup.

Voice-Controlled Automation:

  • LAMatHome: I’m using the LAMatHome repository for handling execution of actions on my computer via voice commands with the Rabbit R1. This setup has been a game-changer for hands-free control! For more details, check out this guide (Spanish).

Work in Progress:

  • VPN Server: Once it’s up and running, it will give a secure way to access my home network remotely.
  • Open-Assistant Integration: I’m also working on integrating Open-Assistant with my local LLM. This will enhance the interactivity and responsiveness of my setup, making it even more powerful.

So, that’s my current setup! Now, – here are some questions to help me improve my server:

  1. What are some must-have self-hosted services that you recommend? I’m looking to expand my setup and would love to hear your favorites.
  2. How do you manage security for your self-hosted services? Any tips or tools you swear by?
  3. Any advice on setting up a VPN server? I’d appreciate any resources or personal experiences you can share.

A big shoutout to the open-source and free software developers out there – your work makes all of this possible! Keep it up, folks! :wink::muscle:

Looking forward to your suggestions and happy self-hosting, everyone! :rabbit2::sparkles:

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