sounds great! can’t wait to see more!
Hi @simon ,
thank you for your update and for your transparency. Good work.
It is understandable to give you more time to improve more and more (new) features of our personal assistent rabbit r1.
Quality should be more in the focus than the quantity.
In my opinion the mainly development focus should be on the ‘teach-mode’.
The teach-mode gives our rabbit a big impressive feature in comparison with other technical devices, like smartphones and computer.
Also the teach-mode is an elementar feature to get a helpful personal assistent to automate daily tasks, which the rabbit r1 stands for. This would be an unique advantage in the tech-world.
In addition it gives the community a great tool to create many many uses cases and own programs.
In the following post I have published an idea with the USB-C interface. Maybe this can help you/the development team to implement the ‘teach-mode’ in an easier way.
> USB-C as a connector/interface for other devices (for ‘teach-mode’, remote control)
Have a great day.
Ich verstehe den Punkt. Dennoch muss ich sagen, dass der Anspruch des Rabbit-Teams stets darin bestehen sollte, das neueste LLM-Modell der genutzten Anbieter so schnell wie möglich zu implementieren. Alle anderen Funktionen sollten zusätzlich integriert werden und, zusammen mit der Hardware und dem Design, den eigentlichen Verkaufsgrund darstellen. Da das Tempo der KI-Industrie derzeit sehr hoch ist, müssen sie Schritt halten, sonst drohen sie, in der Versenkung zu verschwinden.
It’s great to know, you are working on new features. will be also e-sim available on day? I ask because I’m going to Thailand on Jan 2025 and it would be great for me.
Keep going with the good work you are doing.
Would it be absurd to ask that the teaching mode be transferable to all users? For example, I create a series of actions for a specific program, activity, etc., once learned by the rabbit it becomes a sort of little carrot with a name that the user at his will can or cannot share with the community, so maybe several people who have different approaches to the same goal can find different ways to achieve it and work in a sort of team. Or people lacking in practicality can find their “set dancing carrot jumping alarm clock” ready to use without going crazy. Do you think it’s feasible or absurd?
Sounds good to me, looking forward to the updates.
When spanish and other languages will be ready to use?
Hi @Kelevra ,
thats a good idea to create some kind of a ‘community workshop element’.
For the development I have created a list of ideas in the following thread, which includes the point ‘workshop’ for teach-mode developments from the community.
Maybe you can support this with your vote. Thank you.
> Individualization and prioritized features (languages, editor, teach-mode and user creations)